The NAND gate is monolithic complementary MOS (CMOS) integrated circuits. The N- and P-channel enhancement mode transistors provide a symmetrical circuit with output swings essentially equal to the supply voltage. This results in high noise immunity over a wide supply voltage range. No DC power other than that caused by leakage current is consumed during static conditions. All inputs are protected against static discharge and latching conditions.
- Two Independent 4-input NAND Gates
- Standard Pin Configuration
- Wide Operating Voltage Range
- Operating Temperature to 85°C
- Low Power CMOS
Parameter | Specification |
Voltage at Any Pin | Â VSS -0.3V to VDD +0.3V |
Operating Temperature Range |  -40°C to + 85°C |
Storage Temperature Range (TS) |  -65°C to +150°C |
Power Dissipation (PD): Dual-In-Line | Â 700 mW |
Operating Range (VDD) | Â VSS +3.0V to VSS +15V |
Lead Temperature (TL) |  260°C |
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