The CA3102 consists of two independent differential amplifiers with associated constant current transistors on a common monolithic substrate. The six transistors which comprise the amplifiers are general purpose devices which exhibit low 1/f noise and a value of fT in excess of 1GHz. These features make the CA3102 useful from DC to 500MHz. Bias and load resistors have been omitted to provide maximum application flexibility. The monolithic construction of the CA3102 provides close electrical and thermal matching of the amplifiers. This feature makes this device particularly useful in dual channel applications where matched performance of the two channels is required. The CA3102 has a separate substrate connection for greater design flexibility
• Power Gain 23dB (Typ) 200MHz
• Noise Figure 4.6dB (Typ)200MHz
• Two Differential Amplifiers on a Common Substrate
• Independently Accessible Inputs and Outputs
• Full Military Temperature Range -55oC to 125oC
• Pb-Free Plus Anneal Available (RoHS Compliant)
Parameter | Specification |
Collector-to-Emitter Voltage, VCEO | 15V |
Collector-to-Base Voltage, VCBO | 20V |
Collector-to-Substrate Voltage, VCIO | 20V |
Emitter-to-Base Voltage, VEBO | 5V |
Collector Current, IC | 50 m A |
Temperature Range | -55°C to 125°C |
Maximum Power Dissipation | 300mW |
Maximum Junction Temperature | 150°C |
Maximum Storage Temperature Range | -65°C to 150°C |
Maximum Lead Temperature | 300°C |
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