12V 20W Polycrystalline Solar Panel


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This 20W 12V Solar Panel is the best and high-quality solar panel with excellent performance even weak sunlight.

Solar Panels devices used to absorb the sun’s rays and convert them into electricity or heat. A solar panel actually a collection of photovoltaic cells, used to generate electricity through the photovoltaic effect. A number of photovoltaic cells connected together make up a solar panel. In which the photons, or particles of light, knocks electrons free from atoms, generating a flow of electricity. Each photovoltaic cell basically a sandwich made up of two slices of semi-conducting material, usually silicon.

The 20 watts, the 12-volt solar panel provides enough power to trickle charge a 12V vehicle or deep cycle battery. Therefore this panel specially designed to charge small batteries up to 10 Ah or 10,000 mAh. The 20W 12Volts operates with 36-cell Solar Panel that measures 74*35 cm without requiring a frame or special modifications. Moreover, these Polycrystalline solar cells are Laser cut to the proper size and encapsulated in the special sun and weather-resistant durable outer poly frame providing them unique characteristics.

Hence these high qualities, compact-sized custom-design small epoxy solar energy panel simple to install and offers high performance. So to connect the 12v Solar Panel, we need to just solder or crimp to the copper tape. These solar panels offer a wide range of applications in pumps, lights, fans, and small appliances such as stereos, televisions, and VCRs in caravans, boats, or cabins.


  • Charging mobile phones
  • home lighting
  • Other types of low power, science project
  • solar power water pump, small solar power system, etc.


  • Output Power: 20 Watts
  • Operating Voltage: 12 Volt
  • Wattage (Wp): 20
  • Voltage at Max Power: 18.20 volts
  • Current at Max Power: 1.10 amps
  • Open Circuit Voltage: 22.40 volts
  • Short Circuit Current: 1.45A

Package Includes:

1 x 12V 20W Polycrystalline Solar Panel


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